Have an Issue? Search for an Application View Documents & Plans Correspondence List Bookmarks Personalise eApps Accessibility Options Effect a PaymentUploading Problems
Problems uploading Documents? - Google Chrome Problems uploading Documents? - Mozilla FirefoxFAQs - Periti
View My Delegates Access Draft Applications Submit Application Advanced Search My Cases Processing Payments within Application Forms Why am I getting the error: “Compression type not supported”?1. Introduction
For the general public and NGOs, the portal serves as a source of information on any application that anyone might be interested in, offering not only summarized application statuses but, as in the case of Planning Applications, giving applications details, proposed development plans, site plans, site studies, and any other relevant information, to keep you informed of the latest progress, giving you all the relevant information you need to decide whether to declare your interest in such applications, if you wish to do so.
For professionals, such as periti and lawyers, and for other major stakeholders such as external consultees, this offers an additional function, that of serving as the official communication portal between the said stakeholders and the Planning Authority. The portal not only informs such stakeholders of any real time development related to their application of interest, but also assists such stakeholders in the organisation of their work by providing to-do items, amongst other functionalities.
The Authority prides itself in offering the best and most transparent online information system that it can provide and always welcomes well intentioned suggestions for improvement. Such suggestions are to be sent to the email address, [email protected]. We promise you that we are going to do our best to include your suggestions in our system's future improvements.
For users to interact and access the system, users need to have an active eID. This ensures that the information made available always remains secure for both the portal users and for the various stakeholders participating in the planning process. Upon first login, the system will create a “Public” role for any user. Subsequently, periti can request an “Architect” role by sending an email to [email protected] providing their full contact details and address and attaching a scan of their warrant whilst lawyers may register for a “Lawyer” role through the “Apply for Role” link, subject to a yearly subscription fee, also attaching a scan of their warrant.
We trust that you find that our new portal provides you with the information you require, in an easily and readily accessible manner and offers you a facilitated way of communicating with us.
2. Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact when I have an issue?
If you encounter technical difficulties during the use of this eApplications system, kindly contact [email protected], quoting the Reference Number and attaching a screenshot, where possible. For any other queries, kindly contact [email protected]
How do I search for an application?
1. Select the application type that you want to search for, from the drop down menu.

2. Type the application number and year in the indicated boxes.
3. Click the magnifying glass icon as indicated by the arrow to submit your search request.

How to view "Documents" & plans?
1. To view Documents and plans, search for an application (1) and then click on the "Case Details" or "Documents" tab (2)
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2. If you have clicked the "Documents" tab, you have multiple filters. To use these filters, click on the arrow and select an option from the drop down menu (1) and for the last filter, you can type a Document title (2).
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What are "Quicklinks"?
1. "Quick Links" are a fast and easy way to access specific pages with one click.

2. The "Search" Quick Link displays details about the application you have searched for when it is hovered over with your mouse. You can also use it to search for a new case.
3. The "Correspondence" Quick Link redirects you to the "Correspondence List", where you can view your To Do List (Correspondence List).

4. The "Bookmarks" Quick Link redirects you to the "Bookmarks page", where you can bookmark any cases/ applications of your choice.
5. The "Home" Quick Link redirects you to the "Home Page".

6. The "Help" Quick Link redirects you to the "Help Page".
What is the "Correspondence List"?
1. The Correspondence list is a list of correspondence sent to you by the Planning Authority through the system. Such correspondence may require action from your end.

2. To view older items in the "Correspondence list", select the date range of the items you want to display. This may not cover a range longer than --
3. Click on the arrow as indicated to submit the date range that you have previously selected.

4. To remove items from the "Correspondence List" in bulk, click on the arrow as indicated in the image, and from the resulting drop down menu then select the number of days older than which correspondence items would need to be removed.
5. Click on the "Remove" button to remove the items falling within the indicated selection.

What are "Bookmarks"?
1. Bookmarks provide links to cases you would have previously indicated as requiring a bookmark after you would have loaded a case in the eApplications system.

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2. To add bookmarks, first search a case, then click on the white star (1). When clicked this will turn black (2). The case you have just bookmarked, will be shown in your bookmarks list (3).
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3. To remove a bookmark, click on the case from your bookmarks list (1) and then click on the black star (2). The black star will turn white (3). The case has been removed from your bookmarks list (4).
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What options do I have to personalise eApplications?
1. You can add or remove Shortcut Labels from the Settings page.

2. You can change the Language the website is in also from the Settings page.
3. You can switch on and off "Accessibility Mode" also from the Settings page.

4. You can also personalise the "Home page" by adding and moving the boxes to your own liking by clicking on the "+". Links selected to be included on the “Home” page are displayed in a solid blue background, whilst links with a white background will be excluded from view on the “Home” page.
Accessibility Options
1. To enable accessibility mode, go to the settings page, click on the accessibility mode switch (1). Accessibility options are now enabled for eApps3 (2).
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Effect a Payment
1. After the Quote Number and email address are inserted, the system will proceed to the payment screen.
Insert the card details, tick the checkbox next to “I have read and accept terms and conditions” and click “Continue” to proceed with payment through the payment gateway. Please note that a payment transaction is created and the payment reference is shown in the left menu (circled in red below):

2. If a response is not automatically received from the payment gateway, the system will allow you to click on the payment reference to obtain the status of your previous payment attempt. If the previous attempt is unsuccessful, the system will allow you to create a “New” payment attempt (see image below), which will generate a new Payment Reference. The steps outlined above will be repeated until a successful payment is made.

3. Once a successful payment response is received from the payment gateway, the system will automatically proceed to informing Customer Care to forward the necessary documents to you via email.

3. Having Problems?
Having Problems uploading Documents? - Google Chrome
1. Only pdf documents are meant to be uploaded in the system. If the size of the document exceeds 5Mb, uploading will be blocked and you would need to reduce the size of the document first. If sufficient resizing cannot be achieved through compression alone, you may consider splitting multi-page documents into smaller parts.
2. A suggestion for reducing drawings is to try and re-print the PDF from the main source as a flattened image (no layers) whilst also reducing the resolution (from 600 dpi to 150 dpi).
3. To reduce the file size even furtherof other documents, you can then use “Fox-It” pdf reader ( and re-print the same pdf to a pdf with a lesser resolution and as a flattened image.
4. If size is not the issue, you should try is to Clear Cookies by clicking the “I” icon in the left- hand side of the address bar of your browser.

5. Click on the "Cookies" option.
6. Click on the remove button until all cookies are removed.

7. Refresh the page from the icon in the top left of your browser.
8. The second thing you should try is to Clear Cached Data by opening the Chrome menu from the 3 dots.

9. Click on the "Settings" option.
10. Go to "Advanced Settings".

11. From the privacy section, click on 'Clear browsing Data...'
12. Set the time frame to "the beginning of time".

13. Make sure that you have the following ticked; then click on 'Clear browsing data'.
14. Once done, close the Settings tab.

15. Then, refresh the eApps page.
Having Problems uploading Documents? - Mozilla Firefox
1. Only pdf documents are meant to be uploaded in the system. If the size of the document exceeds 5Mb, uploading will be blocked and you would need to reduce the size of the document first. If sufficient resizing cannot be achieved through compression alone, you may consider splitting multi-page documents into smaller parts.
2. A suggestion for reducing drawings is to try and re-print the PDF from the main source as a flattened image (no layers) whilst also reducing the resolution (from 600 dpi to 150 dpi).
3. To reduce the file size even furtherof other documents, you can then use “Fox-It” pdf reader ( and re-print the same pdf to a pdf with a lesser resolution and as a flattened image.
4. If size is not the issue, you should try is to Clear Cookies by clicking the “I” icon in the left- hand side of the address bar of your browser.

5. To Clear Cached Data, open the Settings from the menu icon.

6. Click on Options.
7. Go to the privacy tab from the side menu.

8. Click on the "Clear your recent history".
9. Set the time range to "Everything".

10. Make sure that the following are selected and click on "Clear Now".
11. Close the Options tab.

12. Refresh eApps.
Who do I contact when I have an issue?
If you encounter technical difficulties during the use of this eApplications system, kindly contact [email protected], quoting the Reference Number and attaching a screenshot, where possible. For any other queries, kindly contact [email protected].
4. FAQs - Periti
How Do I view My Delegates?
1. To view your delegates, click on the "Delegates" box in the Home Page.
How do I access my Draft Applications?
1. To view your draft applications, click on the "Draft Applications" link in the Home Page.

How do I submit an Application?
1. To access all the your applications forms currently available, click on the "Application Forms" link in the Home Page.

What is "Advanced Search"?
1. Click the "Advanced Search" box to use the Advanced Search facility on the eApps system.

2. Select one of the three Application Types to search for, and the one you click on will turn orange.

4. Click on the calendar to select date ranges "From" and "To".
5. Click on the "Decided" button (if you want to filter by decision date).

6. Click on the calendar to select date ranges "From" and "To" as explained earlier in Step 4.
7. Click on the "Location" button to select the location you want your results to relate to.

8. Alternatively you can search by Local Council. Click on the "Local Council" button (1) and select your Local Council from the drop down menu (2). The "Street" can be selected in the same manner as the "Local Council".
9. Optionally you can add a description that describes the works of the application you are searching for by typing in the "Description of Works" text field and then click "Add".

10. To remove a "Description of Works" tag simply click the white "X" inside the grey box.
11. After you have filled in all the required previous fields, press the "Search" button to submit your search request.

What are "My Cases"?
1. My Cases are the cases you have submitted. These can be accessed by clicking on the "My Cases" icon

2. Select one of the case types by clicking on the circular button and the one you selected will turn orange.
3. Fill in the indicated 3 fields. From and To date range and also the applicant's surname.
4. After the 3 fields have been filled in, click on the "Search" button, which will turn orange to search for the case/s

5. Alternatively, fill in the indicated 3 fields. From and To date range and also the applicant's surname in a similar manner to step 3.
6. After the 3 fields have been filled in, click on the "Search" button, which will turn orange to search for the case/s.

Processing Payments within Application Forms
1. After all the sections in a form are completed, you will be diverted to the payment page:

Choose a Payment Method. Please note that GSPO is only available when the applicant is a Government entity.

2. For Card Payments, insert the details, tick the checkbox next to “I have read and accept terms and conditions” and click “Continue” to proceed with payment through the payment gateway. Please note that a payment transaction is created and the payment reference is shown in the left menu (circled in red below):
3. If a response is not automatically received from the payment gateway, the system will allow you to click on the payment reference to obtain the status of your previous payment attempt. If the previous attempt is unsuccessful, the system will allow you to create a “New” payment attempt (see image below), which will generate a new Payment Reference. The steps outlined above will be repeated until a successful payment is made.

Once a successful payment response is received from the payment gateway, the system will automatically proceed to submit the application.
Why am I getting the error: “Compression type not supported”?
Drawings being prepared for upload
Please be reminded that drawings being saved to pdf in preparation for uploading should be merged into one layer – as an example: if you are using AutoCAD use "AutoCAD PDF (Smallest File).pc3" plot template. This will ensure that the resulting PDF is of the smallest possible file size such that any users needing to access such documents may download within the shortest possible time.
All files should be less than 5MB in size uncompressed. If using AutoCAD, the "DWG To PDF.pc3", "AutoCAD PDF (High Quality Print).pc3", or "AutoCAD PDF (Web and Mobile).pc3" plot templates should NOT be used. Any original compression applied may be lost and the system may reject them from being uploaded. Smaller documents are necessary in order to reduce loading times for documents and improving overall system performance.
Other Documents
If a report with embedded images/drawings is being prepared, it would be best if lower resolution photos/drawings are inserted in the document, rather than resizing high resolution images/photographs to fit the page.
If the source file is not available and you need to decrease the size of an existing pdf, one possible option would be to open the pdf using Fox-It pdf reader print to pdf with a lesser resolution (200dpi) and using the 'Print as image' or ‘Print/Optimise for Web-viewing’ depending on the software used to output to pdf.
Additionally, in the case of a multi-page report, one can consider splitting the document into a number of smaller pdf documents.